Partnership with Green Sports Alliance
The Game Changers Institute and the Green Sports Alliance Foundation (the foundation arm of the Green Sports Alliance), have announced their partnership to help inspire a cultural shift towards plant-based eating for our planet, our communities, and the next generation of athletes around the world.
As the sports industry prepares for a return to full strength from the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, the partnership will develop novel tools, resources, and experiences in an effort to inform and promote the benefits of plant-based eating for athletes and fans everywhere.
"The exponential growth of plant-based eating in elite athletics creates incredible potential for players, teams and sports communities across the world to lead the way in creating a fitter, healthier population and a more just and sustainable planet", says James Wilks, executive director of GCI. "We couldn't be more excited to partner with the Green Sports Alliance Foundation in supporting this critical and historic shift."
The organizations will unite a coalition of predominantly plant-based athletes, influential sports figures, and their fans to build awareness and influence the widespread behavior change needed to help reverse the destructive socio-environmental impacts stemming from the consumption of a traditional animal-based diet.
For more information, you can find the partnership release here.